OCTOBER 2, 2018 7 P.M.

2018-2019 Fiscal Year

2nd Quarter

July, August, September


Supervisor Solem called the meeting to order at 6:57 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

Supervisor Solem, Clerk Michalak, Treasurer Gottschalk, Trustees Wieber and Laman all present.

Public Present: Ray Franks, Paula Figura, Kristi Laman, Ron Gottschalk, Tom Mountz, Ron Bushong, Ruth and Larry Hoviland,

Special Guests Present: Art Jeannot, County Commissioner and Mitch Deisch, County Administrator

Clerk Michalak read the minutes from the 1st quarter meeting, held on July 3, 2018 at

7 p.m. A motion was entertained by Supervisor Solem to accept the minutes as read. Motion was made by Treasurer Gottschalk and supported by Trustee Laman. All ayes, motion carried.

Commissioner Art Jeannot brought us up to date with issues being addressed at the county level. He also highlighted major accomplishments over the past year. His detailed report is at the Township Hall for viewing and further information.


1. Supervisor Solem referred to a letter received from American Waste stating rates are increasing. The township will be aware of this at the next Clean-Up Day.

2. The township officials received quite a few responses from residents regarding the future ownership of the Morgan School. All were in favor of retaining the property. A variety of uses were proposed. Treasurer Gottschalk will compile a summary of all correspondence received for the January meeting. Clerk Michalak suggests also including this discussion during the Budget Meeting. There are several items that need attention prior to the school being opened for public use. An assessment of the current building will be scheduled to obtain an idea of the requirements in bringing the it up to code.


1. A copy of the Building Report through June 30th is available at the Township Hall.

2. The dirt roads in Platte Township received both brines this year. Supervisor Solem and Clerk Michalak collected samples and sent them in for testing. Samples tested positive for salt and minerals.

3. Trustee Wieber discussed the benefits of solar energy. With economic returns at 4-6 years, it becomes a two-fold positive. There are tax incentives involved in the quick return. The next meeting of the WBJPC is Thursday, October 4th at the Benzonia Township Hall. Currently there is no language regulating solar installations. Solar has eclipsed wind as alternative energy.


1. Clerk Michalak passed out copies of the current budget, dated February 6, 2018. At the time the budget was created and accepted, it was unknown if the township would qualify for a grant that would provide a generator to power the hall in the event of an emergency. No monies for the costs of the generator or installation were included in the budget at that time. The township later learned that the grant was accepted. At this time, the budget requires modification to reflect the additional costs of the generator, installation and underground electrical service, adding $10,800.00 to the budget. Treasurer Gottschalk motioned and Clerk Michalak supported the amendment to the budget to reflect these costs. Roll Call vote, Solem, Michalak, Gottschalk, Laman, Wieber, all ayes, motion carried.

3. Clerk Michalak presented a resolution allowing the township assessor permission to provide public access to records of township property owners, if requested. This resolution is titled Public Records Inspection Policy 2018-02. Clerk Michalak motioned to accept the resolution, with support by Trustee Laman. Roll Call vote: Solem, Michalak, Gottschalk, Laman, Wieber- all ayes, motion carried.

4. Clerk Michalak shared the results of the Township audit conducted by Tobin and Associates. The audit reports that the Township is solvent and that the accounting books are in good order and being kept according to state law. The total cost of the audit was under budgeted amount by slightly less than $200.00 ($2800.00 total cost). F-65 statement has been filed with Michigan Department of Treasury by the Auditor.


1. The generator was already discussed during the budget amendment topic and was not revisited as Old Business.

2. The Par Plan newsletter was passed out to the Board. This is a quarterly newsletter put out by Michigan Municipal Underwriters the Townships’ insurance carrier. There is grant money available and Clerk Michalak will spearhead discovery into the possibility of obtaining money for improvements to our township building or the Morgan School. Ron Gottschalk suggested that perhaps the underground electric costs could be covered with a grant.

BOARD ROUNDTABLE- Items of concern on or off agenda

1. Trustee Wieber is wondering if grants might be available for Morgan School improvements after we learn what upgrades are required.

2. A private inspector will be hired to assess the state of Morgan School. The building needs to be brought up to compliance. An Empire realtor said the possible value of the property is approximately $100,000.00. Trustee Laman suggested finishing the survey and summary first, and then follow up with an inspection and estimates for repairs.


Clerk Michalak read the Clerk’s Operating Statement budgeted through September 30, 2018. A motion was made by Clerk Michalak and supported by Supervisor Solem to accept the Clerk’s Operating Statement. All ayes, motion carried; all ayes.


Treasurer Gottschalk read the Treasurer’s Operating Statement through September 30, 2018. Supervisor Solem entertained a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Operating Statement.

A motion was made by Treasurer Gottschalk and supported by Trustee Laman to accept the Treasurer’s Operating Statement. All ayes, motion carried.


Treasurer Gottschalk motioned to approve the bills as presented and Trustee Laman supported the motion. All ayes, motion carried.



Trustee Laman motioned to adjourn the meeting and Treasurer Gottschalk supported. All ayes, motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m.

January 8, 2019 next regular meeting (3rd quarter).

Respectfully submitted,

Molly Franks

Deputy Clerk